Monday, December 12, 2011

Worldwide Auto Utah Scam

This Blog will be dedicated to informing the public about the unethical buisness practices of a company called WorldWide Auto.  They also go under the website name:

This blog will seek to be a centralized place for reviews and experiences by customers of Worldwide Auto.

Although, I will attempt to be objective about the business, I will state up front I have in my opinion been scammed by this business.  In particular Santiago Guanuna.  I will go into this in great detail.

It is my hope that this company will learn that just because they sell vehicles to people a great distance away, they still need to follow basic legal and ethical practices that any other business needs to follow if they want to stay open.

But wait, there is more.  This site will have links to other peoples experience with this business.  You will then be able to decide whether it is worth the risk to deal with Santiago and Worldwide Auto.

Consider the following links.